BU Bhopal Question Papers : Barkatullah University Papers

BU Bhopal Question Papers : The University is also known as Barkatullah University or BTU Bhopal, it is a state government university in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh,  India. It was established in the year 1970 as Bhopal University but later in 1988 to give tribute to freedom fighter Barkatullah the university name was changed to Barkatullah University.

The University provides education in undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. programs to the students. It conducts exams in semester vise for most of the programs and luckily we found some BU Bhopal Question Papers to help students of this university who are preparing for their exams.

BU Bhopal Question Paper

BU Bhopal Question Papers

Barkatullah University Papers for 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 for B.E, B.A L.L.B, B.Ed, MA, M.Com, M.Sc, M.Tech, M.Pharm, and MBA are listed below. Check the table given below.

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Btu ba 1 year entrepreneurship development apr 2018Check Here
Btu ba 1 year economic p2 indian economics ay 24 2019Check Here
Btu ba 1 year economics indian economy apr 2018Check Here
Btu ba 1 year economics micro economics apr 2018Check Here
Btu ba 1 year economics p1 micro economic ay 23 2019Check Here
Btu ba 1 year english language apr 2018Check Here
Btu ba 1 year english literature p2 prose ay 7 2019Check Here
Btu ba 1 year fc p1 hindi language and moral values ay 1 2019Check Here
Btu ba 1 year fc p2 english language ay 2 2019Check Here
Btu ba 1 year fc p3 entrepreneurship development ay 3 2019Check Here
Btu ba 1 year hindi language and moral values apr 2018Check Here
Btu ba 1 year hindi literature p1 pracheen evam madhyakaleen kavya ay 4 2019Check Here
Btu ba 1 year history history of india and from earliest time to 1200 ad az 69 apr 2018Check Here
Btu ba 1 year history p1 history of india and from earliest time to 1200 ad ay 37 2019Check Here
Btu ba 1 year history p2 western world mid 15 century to 1870 ay 38 2019Check Here
Btu ba 1 year history western world mid 15th century to 1870 az 70 apr 2018Check Here
Btu ba 1 year lenglish literature p1 poetry ay 6 2019Check Here
Btu ba 1 year philosophy ethics az 45 apr 2018Check Here
Btu ba 1 year political science basic principles of political science apr 2018Check Here
Btu ba 1 year political science p2 indian government and politics ay 28 2019Check Here
Btu ba 1 year sanskrit p1 ved vyakaran avam bhasha naipunya ay 10 2019Check Here
Btu ba 1 year sanskrit p2 aarshkavya avam laukik kavya ay 11 2019Check Here
Btu ba 1 year sociology basic concept of sociology apr 2018Check Here
Btu ba 1 year sociology indian society apr 2018Check Here
Btu ba 1 year sociology p1 basic concepts of sociology ay 25 2019Check Here
Btu ba 1 year year political science indian government and politics apr 2018Check Here
Btu ba 2 year aih p1 elements of indian epigraphy and numismatics ay 88 2019Check Here
Btu ba 2 year aih p2 cultural heritage of mp art and architecture ay 89 2019Check Here
Btu ba 2 year economics p1 macro economics ay 72 2019Check Here
Btu ba 2 year economics p2 public finance and international economics ay 73 2019Check Here
Btu ba 2 year fc p1 hindi language and moral value ay 50 2019Check Here
Btu ba 2 year fc p1 hindi language and moral values ay 50 2019Check Here
Btu ba 2 year fc p2 english language ay 51 2019Check Here
Btu ba 2 year fc p3 environmental studies ay 52 2019Check Here
Btu ba 2 year geography physical geography atmosphere and hydroshpere ay 78 2019Check Here
Btu ba 2 year hindi literature p1 arvachin hindi kavya ay 53 2019Check Here
Btu ba 2 year philosophy western philosophy ay 62 2019Check Here
Btu ba 2 year political science p1 representative political thinkers ay 76 2019Check Here
Btu ba 2 year political science p2 constitutions of major countries ay 77 2019Check Here
Btu ba 2 year sociology social processes and change ay 74 2019Check Here
Btu ba 2 year sociology social processes and change ay 74 20191Check Here
Btu ba 3 sem environmental studies dec 2017Check Here
Btu ba 3 sem sociology rural and urban dec 2017Check Here
Btu ba 3 year english literature p1 contemporary literature ax 108 2020Check Here
Btu ba 3 year sanskrit p1 geeta darshan ax 112 2020Check Here
Btu ba 3 year sanskrit p2 kavya chhand ax 113 2020Check Here
Btu ba 4 sem economics public finance and international economics may 2017Check Here
Btu ba 4 sem fc environmental studies may 2017Check Here
Btu ba 4 sem fc moral values and language may 2017Check Here
Btu ba 4 sem political science comparative governments and politics may 2017Check Here
Btu ba 5 sem fc 1 moral values and language 2 dec 2017 1Check Here
Btu ba 5 sem fc 1 moral values and language 2 dec 2017 2Check Here
Btu ba 5 sem fc 1 moral values and language 2 dec 2017Check Here
Btu ba 5 sem philosophy logic western and indian rj 62 2018Check Here
Btu ba 5 sem Sociology main sociological thinkers dec 2017Check Here
Btu ba 6 sem economics quantitative techniques 2018Check Here
Btu ba 6 sem fc 1 moral values and language as 55 2019Check Here
Btu ba 6 sem fc 2 basic computer information technology 2 as 57 2019Check Here
Btu ba 6 sem fc computer basic comp information tech 2 2018Check Here
Btu ba 6 sem fc english language and aspects of development 2018Check Here
Btu ba 6 sem fc moral values and language 2018Check Here
Btu ba 6 sem hindi literature bundeli bhasha as 74 2019Check Here
Btu ba 6 sem indian writing in english as 58 2019Check Here
Btu ba 6 sem political science public administration 2018Check Here
Btu ba 6 sem sociology method of social research 2018Check Here
Btu ba part 2 education p1 educational psychology 2173 2019Check Here
Btu ba part 2 education p2 education thoughts 2174 2019Check Here
Btu ba part 2 english literature p1 drama 2128 2019Check Here
Btu ba part 2 english literature p2 fiction 2129 2019Check Here
Btu ba part 2 fc p1 hindi language cd 2151 2019Check Here
Btu ba part 2 fc p2 english language cd 2152 2019Check Here
Btu ba part 2 hindi literature p1 aadhunik hindi kavya 2122 2019Check Here
Btu ba part 2 history p1 political history of medieval india 2143 2019Check Here
Btu ba part 2 history p2 history of europe 2144 2019Check Here
Btu ba part 2 political science p1 pashchaty rajnitik chintan c 2141 2019Check Here
Btu ba part 2 political science p2 comprative government and politics c 2142 2019Check Here
Btu ba part 2 sociology p1 society in india c 2143 2019Check Here


Btu bba 1 sem b 101 english language 2017Check Here
Btu bba 1 sem b 103 computer application 2017Check Here
Btu bba 1 sem b 105 introduction to financial accounting 2017Check Here
Btu bba 1 year business mathematics ay 284 2019Check Here
Btu bba 1 year business statistics ay 282 2019Check Here
Btu bba 1 year communication skill ay 280 2019Check Here
Btu bba 1 year financial accounting ay 283 2019Check Here
Btu bba 1 year micro economics ay 281 2019Check Here
Btu bba 1 year principles of management ay 279 2019Check Here
Btu bba 2 sem b 106 business communication 2017Check Here
Btu bba 2 sem b 107 macro economics 2017Check Here
Btu bba 2 sem b 108 principles of management may 2017Check Here
Btu bba 2 sem b 109 business statistics may 2017Check Here
Btu bba 2 sem b 110 business environment may 2017Check Here
Btu bba 3 sem b 112 introduction to international business 2017Check Here
Btu bba 3 sem b 113 business organisation dec 2017Check Here
Btu bba 3 sem b 114 personal management 2017Check Here
Btu bba 3 sem b 115 financial management 2017Check Here
Btu bba 3 sem ba 111 marketing management 2017Check Here
Btu bba 4 sem b 116 organisational behaviour jun 2017Check Here
Btu bba 4 sem business law may 2018Check Here
Btu bba 4 sem management accounting may 2018Check Here
Btu bba 4 sem org behaviour may 2017Check Here
Btu bba 4 sem quantitative techniques may 2018Check Here
Btu bba 4 sem research methodology may 2018Check Here
Btu bba 4 sem strategic management and business policy may 2018Check Here
Btu bba 5 sem b 121 mis 2017Check Here
Btu bba 5 sem b 122 retail concept and strategies 2017 CopyCheck Here
Btu bba 5 sem b 122 retail concept and strategies 2017Check Here
Btu bba 5 sem b 123 marketing of financial services 2017Check Here
Btu bba 5 sem bshr 1 human resource development 2017Check Here
Btu bba 5 sem bsm 1 consumer behaviour 2017Check Here
Btu bba 6 sem marketing of financial services 2017Check Here
Btu bba 6 sem sales management may 2017Check Here


Btu bcom 1 financial accounting apr 2018Check Here
Btu bcom 1 sem business orgnisation and communication apr 2018Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year accounting group p2 business maths ay 103 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year accounts p1 financial account ay 102 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year applied economic p2 macro economics 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year applied economics p1 managerial economics 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year applied economics p2 macro economics ay 107 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year applied p1 micro economics ay 106 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year computer application p1 fundamentals of computer and pc software ay 108 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year computer applications p2 desktop publishing and multimedia ay 109 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year fc p1 hindi language and moral values ay 329 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year fc p2 english language ay 330 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year fc p3 enterprenuership development ay 331 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year fc p3 entrepreneurship development ay 101 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year goods and service tax ay 117 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year management group p1 business law ay 104 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year management group p1 principles of management ay 334 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year management group p2 business organisation and communication ay 105 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year management group p2 business orgnization and communication ay 335 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year p2 business mathematics 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year micro economics paper 1 2018Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year micro economics paper 1 20181Check Here
Btu bcom 1 year micro economics paper 2 2018Check Here
Btu bcom 1 sem business mathematics apr 2018Check Here
Btu bcom 2 sem accounts 2017Check Here
Btu bcom 2 sem applied economics 2017Check Here
Btu bcom 2 sem applied economics macro economics 2017Check Here
Btu bcom 2 sem business mathematics 2017Check Here
Btu bcom 2 sem entrepreneurship development 2017Check Here
Btu bcom 2 sem entrepreneurship development fc 2 2017Check Here
Btu bcom 2 sem management 2017Check Here
Btu bcom 2 sem management business organisation and communication 2017Check Here
Btu bcom 2 sem moral values and language fc 1 2017Check Here
Btu bcom 2 sem sem moral values and language 2017Check Here
Btu bcom 2 year fc p2 english language ay 123 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 2 year accounts group p1 corporate accounting ay 125 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 2 year accounts group p2 cost accounting ay 126 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 2 year applied economics p1 indian company act 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 2 year applied economics p1 indian company act ay 129 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 2 year computer application ca201 internet and e commerce ay 131 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 2 year computer application relational database management system ay 132 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 2 year fc p1 hindi language and moral values ay 122 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 2 year fc p3 environmental studies ay 124 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 2 year management group p1 principles of statistics ay 127 2019Check Here
Btu bcom 2 year management group p2 principles of management ay 128 2019Check Here


Btu bsc 1 year biochemistry p2 biophysical and biochemical techniques ay 193 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year biotechnology cell structure and biology apr 2018Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year biotechnology microbiology apr 2018Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year biotechnology microbiology apr 2018Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year botany diversity of higher plants apr 2018Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year botany diversity of lower plants apr 2018Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year botany p1 diversity of lower plants ay 174 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year botany p2 diversity of higher plants ay 175 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year chemistry organic chemistry apr 2018Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year chemistry p1 phisical chemistry ay 150 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year chemistry p1 physical chemistry az 87 apr 2018Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year chemistry p2 inorganic chemistry apr 2018Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year chemistry p2 inorganic chemistry ay 151 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year chemistry p3 organic chemistry ay 152 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year chemistry p3 organic chemistry ay152 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year computer science p1 fundamental of computer ay 160 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year cs p1 fundamental of computer az 97 apr 2018Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year defence and strategic studies p2 indian military system ay 189 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year eem p2 electronics devices and circuits ay 167 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year electronics p2 electronic circuits and fundamentals of digital electrical ay 163 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year english language apr 2018Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year entrepreneurship development apr 2018Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year fc 2 english language az 83 apr 2018Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year fc entrepreneurship development ay 147 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year fc p2 english language ay 146 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year fc p3 entrepreneurship development ay 147 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year geology p1 geodynamics and geomorphology ay 158 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year geology p2 crystallography and mineralogy ay 159 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year industrial microbiology p2 microbial biochemistry and immunology ay 187 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year mathematics p1 algebra and trignometry az 90 apr 2018Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year mathematics p3 vector analysis and geometry ay 155 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year mathematics p3 vector analysis and geometry az 92 apr 2018Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year mathematics vector analysis and geometry ays 155 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year microbiology p1 general microbiology and cell biology ay 184 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year microbiology p2 tools and techniques in microbiology ay 185 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year p1 hindi language and moral values ay 145 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year physics mathematical physics mechanics properties of matter ays 148 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year physics p1 mathatical physics mechanics properties of matter ay 148 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year physics p1 mathatical physics mechanics properties4 of matter ay 148 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year physics p2 thermodynamics and statistical physics az 86 apr 2018Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year physics thermodynamics and statistical physics ays 149 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year seed technology p2 seed production and practices ay 181 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year statistics p2 probability and probability distribution ay 157 2019Check Here
Btu bsc 1 year zoology cell biology and development apr 2018Check Here


Btu ma 1 sem hindi bhartiya avam kavyashastra ki parampara lakshan ra 572 c 2019Check Here
Btu ma 1 sem hindi p1 prachin avam ra 572 a 2019Check Here
Btu ma 1 sem hindi p2 adhunik hindi gadya ra 572 b 2019Check Here
Btu ma 1 sem hindi prayojan moolak hindi ra 572 d 2019Check Here
Btu ma 1 sem introduction to social work profession 1 dec 2017Check Here
Btu ma 1 sem methods and fields of social work 1 dec 2017Check Here
Btu ma 1 sem social work man society and dynamics of human behaviour 1 ra 653 2019Check Here
Btu ma 1 sem social work research and statistics 1 dec 2017Check Here
Btu ma 1 sem social work social work research and statistics 1 ra 655 2019Check Here
Btu ma 2 sem bhartiya avam paschatya kavyashastra 2017Check Here
Btu ma 2 sem geography resource management 2018Check Here
Btu ma 2 sem hindi adhunik hindi gadya aur uska itihas 2017Check Here
Btu ma 2 sem hindi prayojan moolak hindi 2017Check Here
Btu ma 2 sem sw introduction to social work profession 2 as 710 jul 2019Check Here
Btu ma 3 sem mathematics integration theory 1 dec 2017Check Here
Btu ma 4 sem social work p1 computer applied and social work 2 as 714 jun 2019Check Here
Btu ma 4 sem social work p2 community organisation and social development 2 as 716 jun 2019Check Here
Btu ma 4 sem social work p3 urban community development 2 as 720 jun 2019Check Here
Btu ma 4 sem sw human behaviour in organisation 2 as 715 jun 2019Check Here
Btu ma 4 sem sw labour welfare and labour legislation as 719 jun 2019Check Here
Btu ma 4 sem sw medical social work 2 as 718 jun 2019Check Here
Btu ma msc 1 sem mathematics topology 1 sv 401 dec 2017Check Here
Btu ma msc 1 sem mathematics advance abstract algebra 1 sv 399 dec 2017Check Here
Btu ma msc 1 sem mathematics advanced abstract algebra 1 2018Check Here
Btu ma msc 1 sem mathematics advanced discrete mathematics 1 sv 403 dec 2017Check Here
Btu ma msc 1 sem mathematics complex analysis 1 sv 402 dec 2017Check Here
Btu ma msc 1 sem mathematics differential and integral equations 1 p5 rj426 2018Check Here
Btu ma msc 1 sem mathematics real analysis dec 2017Check Here
Btu ma msc 1 sem mathematics topology 1 2018Check Here
Btu ma msc 1 sem maths topology 1 ra 437 2019Check Here
Btu ma msc 3 sem mathematics p10 integral transform 1 jul 2017Check Here
Btu ma msc 3 sem mathematics p13 spherical trigonometry and astronomy 1 jul 2017Check Here
Btu ma msc 3 sem mathematics p8 operations research 1 jul 2017Check Here
Btu ma msc 3 sem mathematics partial differential equations 1 p1 sv 416 dec 2017Check Here
Btu ma msc 3 sem maths functional analysis 1 ra 451 2019Check Here
Btu ma msc 3 sem maths partial differential equations 1 ra 452 2019Check Here


Btu mba 1 sem accounting for manager cp 106 2018Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem accounting for manager dr 396 2019Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem accounting for managers 2017Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem communication skills 2017Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem communication skills cp 104 2018Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem cp 101 management concept and practice 2017Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem cp 102 quantitative methods 2017Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem cp 103 managerial economics 2017Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem cp 104 communication skills 2017Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem cp 105 international business environment 2017Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem cp 106 accounting for manager 2017Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem environment management 2017Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem ft communication skills dr 394 2019Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem ft management concept and practice dn 121 2017 1Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem ft management concept and practice dn 121 2017Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem ft management concept and practices dr 391 2019Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem ft managerial economics dr 393 2019Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem ft quantitative methods dr 392 2019Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem international business environment cp 105 2018Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem internationalbusiness environment dr 395 2019Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem management concept and practice 2017Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem management concept and practice cp 101 2018Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem managerial economics cp 103 2018Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem managerial economics dr 393 2019Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem quantitative methods 2017Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem quantitative methods cp 102 2018Check Here
Btu mba 1 sem sem managerial economics 2017Check Here
Btu mba 2 sem 204 marketing management 2017Check Here
Btu mba 2 sem cp 202 management science ex 2017Check Here
Btu mba 2 sem cp 203 human resource management 2017Check Here
Btu mba 2 sem cp 204 financial management 2016Check Here
Btu mba 2 sem cp 207 research methodology 2016Check Here
Btu mba 2 sem financial management cp 203 2018Check Here
Btu mba 2 sem financial management dq 3 2019Check Here
Btu mba 2 sem hrm cp 202 2018Check Here
Btu mba 2 sem human research management dq 2 2019Check Here
Btu mba 2 sem marketing management cp 204 2018Check Here
Btu mba 2 sem marketing management dq 4 2019Check Here
Btu mba 2 sem organisational behaviour cp 201 2018Check Here
Btu mba 2 sem organization behaviour dq 1 2019Check Here
Btu mba 2 sem project management cp 206 2018Check Here
Btu mba 2 sem research methodology cp 205 2018Check Here
Btu mba 2 sem research methodology dq 5 2019Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem advertising management fsm 2 2018Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem business ethics and corporate social responsibility cp 303 2018Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem business policy and strategic analysis cp 301 2018Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem consumer behaviour fsm 1 2018Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem cp 303 business ethics and csr 2017Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem cp 304 entreprenurship development and management 2017Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem financial planning and wealth management fsb 2 2018Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem fsm 01 consumer behaviour 2017Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem ft advertising management dr 408 2020Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem ft business policy and stratigic analysis dr 405 2020Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem ft consumer behaviour dr 407 2020Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem ft management training and development dr 410 2019Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem ft mgt inf system and decision support syst dr 406 2019Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem ft security analysis and inv mgt dr 415 2020Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem ft working capital management dr 416 2020Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem human resource planning and development 2017Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem inf system and decision support system cp 302 2018Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem management of financial services 2017Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem management of industrial relations dp 319 2018Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem management of industrial relations dr 409 2020Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem management training and development fso 2 2018Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem marketing concepts in retail management fsr 2 2018Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem mgt of industrial relation 2017Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem retail concepts and practices fsr 1 2018Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem sales and distribution managment 2017Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem security analysis and investiment management 2017Check Here
Btu mba 3 sem working capital management dp 326 2018Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem business legislation dq 9 2019Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem compensation management dq 14 2019Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem corporate governance dq 22 2019Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem cp 402 business legislation 2016Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem cp 402 business legistation 2018Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem entrepreneurship development and management dq 10 2019Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem felem 1principles of event management 2017Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem felem 3 control and evaluation 2017Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem felib 3 global human resource management 2017Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem financial risk management dq 18 2019Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem fso 3 human resource planning and development 2018Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem fso 4 compensation management 2018Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem global human resource management dq 25 2019Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem human resource planning and development dq13 2019Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem management of financial services dq 15 2019Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem management of retail operations dq 19 2019Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem retail concepts of practices dq 34 2019Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem retail merchandising and supply chain management dq 20 2019Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem retail strategies and operations dq 36 2019Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem sales and distribution management dq 11 2019Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem service marketing dq 12 2019Check Here
Btu mba 4 sem strategic corporate finance dq 16 2019Check Here


Btu mcom 1 sem advanced accounting ra 323 2019Check Here
Btu mcom 1 sem advanced accounting v2 2017Check Here
Btu mcom 1 sem business environment 2017Check Here
Btu mcom 1 sem business environment ra 322 2019Check Here
Btu mcom 1 sem cost analysis and control 2017Check Here
Btu mcom 1 sem cost analysis and control ra 324 2019Check Here
Btu mcom 1 sem management concepts 2017Check Here
Btu mcom 1 sem management concepts ra 321 2019Check Here
Btu mcom 2 sem advanced statistical analysis 2017Check Here
Btu mcom 2 sem advanced statistical analysis as 328 jul 2019Check Here
Btu mcom 2 sem corporate legal frame work 2017Check Here
Btu mcom 2 sem corporate legal frame work as 326 jul 2019Check Here
Btu mcom 2 sem functional management 2017Check Here
Btu mcom 2 sem functional management as 329 jul 2019Check Here
Btu mcom 2 sem organization behaviour 2017Check Here
Btu mcom 2 sem organizational behaviour as 327 jul 2019Check Here
Btu mcom 3 sem accounting for managerial decision 2017Check Here
Btu mcom 3 sem accounting for managerial decision ra 328 2019Check Here
Btu mcom 3 sem entreperneurship skill development ra 327 2019Check Here
Btu mcom 3 sem entrepreneruship skill development 2017Check Here
Btu mcom 3 sem managerial economics 2017Check Here
Btu mcom 3 sem managerial economics ra 325 2019Check Here
Btu mcom 3 sem tax planning and management 2017Check Here
Btu mcom 3 sem tax planning and management ra 326 2019Check Here

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BBA 1 Accounting 2014Check Here
BBA 1 Business communication 2014Check Here
BBA 1 Business communication 2016Check Here
BBA 1 Economics 2015Check Here
BBA 1 Economics 2016Check Here
BBA 1 English 2014Check Here
BBA 1 English 2016Check Here
BBA 1 Entroduction to computer 2016Check Here
BBA 2 Business law 2012Check Here
BBA 2 Business law 2013Check Here
BBA 2 Business law 2014Check Here
BBA 2 Business statistics 2012Check Here
BBA 2 Business statistics 2013Check Here
BBA 2 Business statistics 2014Check Here
BBA 2 Financial accounting 2012Check Here
BBA 2 Financial accounting 2013Check Here
BBA 2 Financial accounting 2014Check Here
BBA 2 Indian culture and business ethics 2013Check Here
BBA 2 Indian culture and business ethics 2014Check Here
BBA 2 Principles of Management 2012Check Here
BBA 2 Principles of Management 2013Check Here
BBA 2 Principles of Management 2014Check Here
BBA 3 Business organisation 2013Check Here
BBA 3 Business organisation 2014Check Here
BBA 3 Financial management 2010Check Here
BBA 3 financial management 2012Check Here
BBA 3 Financial management 2014Check Here
BBA 3 Marketing Management 2010Check Here
BBA 3 Marketing Management 2014Check Here
BBA 3 Personal management 2013Check Here
BBA 3 Personal management 2014Check Here
BBA 3 Production management 2010Check Here
BBA 3 production management 2013Check Here
BBA 3 Production management 2014Check Here
BBA 4 Business policy 2012Check Here
BBA 4 Business policy 2013Check Here
BBA 4 Business policy 2014Check Here
BBA 4 Entreprenurship 2012Check Here
BBA 4 Entreprenurship 2013Check Here
BBA 4 Entreprenurship 2014Check Here
BBA 4 Organisational behaviour 2012Check Here
BBA 4 Organisational behaviour 2013Check Here
BBA 4 Organisational behaviour 2014Check Here
BBA 4 Quantitative technique 2012Check Here
BBA 4 Quantitative technique 2013Check Here
BBA 4 Quantitative technique 2014Check Here
BBA 4 Research methodology 2012Check Here
BBA 4 Research methodology 2013Check Here
BBA 4 Research methodology 2014Check Here
BBA 5 Marketing financial services 2014Check Here
BBA 6 Business Environment 2012Check Here
BBA 6 Business Environment 2013Check Here
BBA 6 Business Environment 2014Check Here
BBA 6 Environmental studies 2014Check Here
BBA 6 Environmental studies 2012Check Here
BBA 6 Environmental studies 2013Check Here
BBA 6 Organizational development od 2012Check Here
BBA 6 Organizational development od 2013Check Here
BBA 6 Organizational development od 2014Check Here
BBA 6 Quality management 2012Check Here
BBA 6 Quality management 2013Check Here
BBA 6 Quality management 2014Check Here
BBA 6 Sales management 2012Check Here
BBA 6 Sales management 2013Check Here
BBA 6 Security analysis 2013Check Here
BBA 6 Security analysis and investment management 2014Check Here


BCA 1 communication and management 2016Check Here
BCA 1 computer fundamentals 2016Check Here
BCA 1 Digital computer electronics 2012Check Here
BCA 1 Digital computer electronics 2016Check Here
BCA 1 fc development of entrepreneurship 2016Check Here
BCA 1 fc moral values and language 2016Check Here
BCA 1 pc software 2012Check Here
BCA 1 pc software 2016Check Here
BCA 2 business mathematics 2013Check Here
BCA 2 business mathematics 2014Check Here
BCA 2 business mathematics 2015Check Here
BCA 2 Desktop publishing 2013Check Here
BCA 2 Desktop publishing 2014Check Here
BCA 2 Desktop publishing 2015Check Here
BCA 2 fc 2 english language indian culture 2013Check Here
BCA 2 fc 2 english language indian culture 2014Check Here
BCA 2 fc 3 entrepreneurship development 2013Check Here
BCA 2 fc 3 entrepreneurship development 2014Check Here
BCA 2 fc moral values and language ii 2015Check Here
BCA 2 Management accounting 2013Check Here
BCA 2 Management accounting 2014Check Here
BCA 2 Management accounting 2015Check Here
BCA 2 Pprogramming in c 2014Check Here
BCA 2 Programming in c 2013Check Here
BCA 2 programming in c 2015Check Here
BCA 3 Database management and design 2014Check Here
BCA 3 Database management and design 2015Check Here
BCA 3 Database management and design 2016Check Here
BCA 3 Database management system 2016Check Here
BCA 3 fc environmental studies 2014Check Here
BCA 3 fc environmental studies 2016Check Here
BCA 3 fc hindi bhasha aur samvedna 2014Check Here
BCA 3 fc moral values and language 1 2016Check Here
BCA 3 fc moral values and language 2 2015Check Here
BCA 3 Object oriented programming using c plus plus 2014Check Here
BCA 3 Object oriented programming using c plus plus 2016Check Here
BCA 3 Operating system 2014Check Here
BCA 3 Operating system 2015Check Here
BCA 3 Operating system 2016Check Here
BCA 3 Organisation behaviour 2014Check Here
BCA 3 Organisation behaviours 2016Check Here
BCA 3 Organization behavior2014Check Here
BCA 4 Computer oriented numerical methods 2013Check Here
BCA 4 Computer oriented numerical methods 2014Check Here
BCA 4 Computer oriented numerical methods 2016Check Here
BCA 4 Data structure and algorithms 2013Check Here
BCA 4 Data structure and algorithms 2014Check Here
BCA 4 Data structure and algorithms 2016Check Here
BCA 4 fc english language and scientific temper 2013Check Here
BCA 4 fc english language and scientific temper 2014Check Here
BCA 4 fc environmental studies 2013Check Here
BCA 4 fc environmental studies 2016Check Here
BCA 4 fc moral values and languages 2016Check Here
BCA 4 System analysis and design 2013Check Here
BCA 4 System analysis and design 2014Check Here
BCA 4 System analysis and design 2016Check Here
BCA 4 Web design 2013Check Here
BCA 4 Web design 2014Check Here
BCA 5 Basic computer information technology i 2014Check Here
BCA 5 Data communication and networking 2015Check Here
BCA 5 fc 2 basic computer information technology i 2015Check Here
BCA 5 fc bhasha kaushal vb 2015Check Here
BCA 5 Hindi bhasha kaushal vb 2014Check Here
BCA 5 Management information system 2015Check Here
BCA 5 Marketing management 2013Check Here
BCA 5 Marketing management 2015Check Here
BCA 5 visual basic 2015Check Here
BCA 6 Basic computer information technology ii 2013Check Here
BCA 6 Basic computer information technology ii 2014Check Here
BCA 6 Dot net technology 2013Check Here
BCA 6 Dot net technology 2014Check Here
BCA 6 Dot net technology 2015Check Here
BCA 6 fc english language and aspects of development 2013Check Here
BCA 6 fc english language and aspects of development 2014Check Here
BCA 6 fc english language and aspects of development 2015Check Here
BCA 6 Internet technology and security 2013Check Here
BCA 6 Internet technology and security 2014Check Here
BCA 6 Internet technology and security 2015Check Here
BCA 6 java 2013Check Here
BCA 6 java 2015Check Here
BCA 6 Software engineering 2013Check Here
BCA 6 Software engineering 2014Check Here


BCOM 1 Accounting financial accounting 2014Check Here
BCOM 1 Accounting financial accounting 2016Check Here
BCOM 1 Applied economics 2015Check Here
BCOM 1 Business law 2014Check Here
BCOM 1 Business law 2015Check Here
BCOM 1 Business law 2016Check Here
BCOM 1 Development of entrepreneurship 2015Check Here
BCOM 1 Development of entrepreneurship 2016Check Here
BCOM 1 financial accounting 2015Check Here
BCOM 1 Hindi bhasha aur sanrachna 2014Check Here
BCOM 1 Hindi bhasha aur sanrachna 2015Check Here
BCOM 1 hindi bhasha sanrachana 2016Check Here
BCOM 1 Micro economics 2016Check Here
BCOM 1 Moral values and language 2016Check Here
BCOM 1 pc software and fundamental of computer 2015Check Here
BCOM 1 pc software and fundamental of computer 2016Check Here
BCOM 1 Principal of management 2016Check Here
BCOM 1 Software and fundamental of computer 2014Check Here
BCOM 1 Udimita vikas 2014Check Here
BCOM 2 Business mathematics 2014Check Here
BCOM 2 Business mathematics 2016Check Here
BCOM 2 Business organization and communication 2014Check Here
BCOM 2 Business organization and communication 2016Check Here
BCOM 2 Computer application 2015Check Here
BCOM 2 Development of entrepreneurship ii 2015Check Here
BCOM 2 Moral values and language 2015Check Here
BCOM 2 Moral values and language 2016Check Here
BCOM 3 Company law and secretarial practice 2015Check Here
BCOM 3 Corporate accounting 2014Check Here
BCOM 3 Corporate accounting 2014Check Here
BCOM 3 Corporate accounting 2015Check Here
BCOM 3 Corporate accounting2016Check Here
BCOM 3 Dtp and multimedia 2015Check Here
BCOM 3 Dtp and multimedia 2016Check Here
BCOM 3 Environmental studies 2014Check Here
BCOM 3 Environmental studies 2015Check Here
BCOM 3 Environmental studies 2016Check Here
BCOM 3 Hindi bhasha aur samvedana 2014Check Here
BCOM 3 Hindi bhasha aur samvedana 2015Check Here
BCOM 3 Indian company act ]2014Check Here
BCOM 3 Indian company act 2015Check Here
BCOM 3 Indian company act 2016Check Here
BCOM 3 Naitik mulya aor bhasha 2016Check Here
BCOM 3 Principles of statistics 2014Check Here
BCOM 3 Principles of statistics 2015Check Here
BCOM 3 Principles of statistics 2016Check Here
BCOM 4 Advanced statistics 2015Check Here
BCOM 4 Banking law and practice in india 2015Check Here
BCOM 4 Banking law and practice in india 2016Check Here
BCOM 4 Cost accounting 2 2015Check Here
BCOM 4 Cost accounting 2014Check Here
BCOM 4 Cost accounting 2015Check Here
BCOM 4 English language and scientific temper 2015Check Here
BCOM 4 English language and scientific temper 2016Check Here
BCOM 4 Environmental studies 2014Check Here
BCOM 4 Environmental studies 2015Check Here
BCOM 4 Environmental studies 2016Check Here
BCOM 4 Internet and e commerce 2015Check Here
BCOM 4 principles of management 2014Check Here
BCOM 4 Principles of management 2015Check Here
BCOM 4 principles of management 2016Check Here
BCOM 5 Accounts income tax law and practice 2016Check Here
BCOM 5 Applied economics 2016Check Here
BCOM 5 Applied economics public finance 2016Check Here
BCOM 5 Basic computer Information and technology i 2016Check Here
BCOM 5 Basic computer information technology 2016Check Here
BCOM 5 Basic of computer and information technology 1 2016Check Here
BCOM 5 Bevelopment of entrepreneurship 2016Check Here
BCOM 5 Bhasha kaushal avam sanchar shadhan 2016Check Here
BCOM 5 Foundation course hindi 2016Check Here
BCOM 5 Hindi bhasha sanrachana 2016Check Here
BCOM 5 Income tax law and practice 2015Check Here
BCOM 5 Income tax law and practice 2016Check Here
BCOM 5 Income tax law iii 2016Check Here
BCOM 5 Maangement accounting 2016Check Here
BCOM 5 Management accounting 2015Check Here
BCOM 5 Moral values and language 2016Check Here
BCOM 5 Principle of marketing 2016Check Here
BCOM 5 Rdbms and vb 2016Check Here
BCOM 6 Basic computer information technology ii 2016Check Here
BCOM 6 English language and aspects of development 2016Check Here
BCOM 6 Indirect taxes 2016Check Here


BSC 1 Algebra trigonometry and geometry 2014Check Here
BSC 1 Descriptive statistics 2013Check Here
BSC 1 Development of Entrepreneurship 2014Check Here
BSC 1 Development of entrepreneurship atkt 2015Check Here
BSC 1 fundamental and digital computer 2015Check Here
BSC 1 fundamental of computers 2015Check Here
BSC 1 Geology geodynamics and geomorphology 2014Check Here
BSC 1 Math background electrostatics and steady currents 2010Check Here
BSC 1 Mathe background electrostatics and steady currents 2012Check Here
BSC 1 Mathematics 2015Check Here
BSC 1 Matrix theory calculus and geometry 2015Check Here
BSC 1 Matrix theory calculus and geometry 2016Check Here
BSC 1 Matrix theory calculus and geometry atkt 2015Check Here
BSC 1 Mechanical oscillations and properties of matter 2014Check Here
BSC 1 Mechanics and oscillations 2010Check Here
BSC 1 Mechanism and oscillations 2012Check Here
BSC 1 Moral values and language 2015Check Here
BSC 1 Moral values and language 2016Check Here
BSC 1 Physics 2010Check Here
BSC 1 physics 2012Check Here
BSC 1 statistical methods 2015Check Here
BSC 1 statistical methods and probability theory 2015Check Here
BSC 1 statistical methods and probability theory 2016Check Here
BSC 1 statistics 2013Check Here
BSC 1 Statistics 2015 16Check Here
BSC 2 Advanced calculus differential equations 2015Check Here
BSC 2 Background electro steady currents 2014Check Here
BSC 2 Background electro steady currents 2016Check Here
BSC 2 Background electrostatics and steady currents 2015Check Here
BSC 2 computer organisation and programming in c 2015Check Here
BSC 2 crystallography and mineralogy 2014Check Here
BSC 2 Development of entrepreneurship 2 2015Check Here
BSC 2 Development of entrepreneurship 2014Check Here
BSC 2 Moral values and language 2015Check Here
BSC 2 Moral values and languages 2015Check Here
BSC 2 Probability and probability distribution 2015Check Here
BSC 3 Calculas differential equation mechanics 2014Check Here
BSC 3 Cpp and data structure 2014Check Here
BSC 3 Cpp programming and advanced data structure 2015Check Here
BSC 3 Environmental studies 2015Check Here
BSC 3 Hindi bhasha aur samvedna 2014Check Here
BSC 3 Mathematics real analysis differential equation abstract algebra 2015Check Here
BSC 3 Moral values and language 2015Check Here
BSC 3 physics 2015Check Here
BSC 3 statistics 2015Check Here
BSC 4 Advance calculus partial diff equation complex and analysis 2015Check Here
BSC 4 English language and scientific temper 2015Check Here
BSC 4 Environmental studies 2015Check Here
BSC 4 Operating system 2015Check Here
BSC 4 structural geology 2015Check Here
BSC 4 Waves acoustics and optics 2015Check Here
BSC 5 Basic computer information technology 1 2015Check Here
BSC 5 Basic computer information technology 2015Check Here
BSC 5 Bhasha kaushal avam vakhitya vikas 2016Check Here
BSC 5 Bhasha kaushal avamvakhitya vikas 2015Check Here
BSC 5 Chemistry 2015Check Here
BSC 5 Computer application 2015Check Here
BSC 5 Geology palaeontology and stratigraphy 2015Check Here
BSC 5 Mathematics 2015Check Here
BSC 5 Mathematics real analysis linear algebra and discrete mathematics 2015Check Here
BSC 5 physics 2015Check Here
BSC 5 Physics relativity quantum atomic molecular and nuclear physics 2015Check Here
BSC 5 Rdbms and vb 2015Check Here
BSC 6 Basic computer information technology 2 2016Check Here
BSC 6 Earth resource and applied geology 2016Check Here
BSC 6 English language and aspects of development jun 2016Check Here
BSC 6 Metric spaces numerical analysis 2016Check Here
BSC 6 Physical inorganic and organics chemistry 2016Check Here
BSC 6 Solid state physics devices electronics and lasers 2016Check Here
BSC 6 Web design 2016Check Here


MBA 1 Accountancy for managers 2016Check Here
MBA 1 Accounting for managers 2014Check Here
MBA 1 Accounting for managers 2015Check Here
MBA 1 Communication skills 2014Check Here
MBA 1 Communication skills 2015Check Here
MBA 1 Communication skills 2016Check Here
MBA 1 Computer application 2015Check Here
MBA 1 Computer application 2016Check Here
MBA 1 Computer application in management 2014Check Here
MBA 1 Environment management 2014Check Here
MBA 1 Environment management 2015Check Here
MBA 1 Environment management 2016Check Here
MBA 1 International business environment 2014Check Here
MBA 1 International business environment 2015Check Here
MBA 1 International business environment 2016Check Here
MBA 1 Management concept and practices 2014Check Here
MBA 1 Management concept and practices 2015Check Here
MBA 1 Management concept and practices 2016Check Here
MBA 1 Managerial economics 2014Check Here
MBA 1 Managerial economics 2015Check Here
MBA 1 Managerial economics 2016Check Here
MBA 1 Quantitative methods 2014Check Here
MBA 1 Quantitative methods 2016Check Here
MBA 1 Quantitative techniques 2015Check Here
MBA 2 Financial management 2014Check Here
MBA 2 Financial management 2016Check Here
MBA 2 Human resource management 2014Check Here
MBA 2 Human resource management 2015Check Here
MBA 2 Human resource management 2016Check Here
MBA 2 Indian business and economic environment 2013Check Here
MBA 2 Management science 2014Check Here
MBA 2 Management science 2015Check Here
MBA 2 Management science 2016Check Here
MBA 2 Marketing management 2014Check Here
MBA 2 Marketing management 2015Check Here
MBA 2 Marketing management 2016Check Here
MBA 2 Organizational behaviour 2015Check Here
MBA 2 Organizational behaviour 2016Check Here
MBA 2 Production management 2014Check Here
MBA 2 production management 2015Check Here
MBA 2 Production management 2016Check Here
MBA 2 Project management 2015Check Here
MBA 2 Project management 2016Check Here
MBA 2 Research methodology 2014Check Here
MBA 2 Research methodology 2015Check Here
MBA 2 Research methodology 2016Check Here
MBA 3 Advertising management 2014Check Here
MBA 3 Advertising management 2015Check Here
MBA 3 Advertising management 2016Check Here
MBA 3 Business ethics and csr 2014Check Here
MBA 3 Business ethics and csr 2015Check Here
MBA 3 Business ethics and csr 2016Check Here
MBA 3 Business policy and strategic analysis 2014Check Here
MBA 3 Business policy and strategic analysis 2015Check Here
MBA 3 Business policy and strategic analysis 2016Check Here
MBA 3 Consumer behaviour 2014Check Here
MBA 3 Consumer behaviour 2015Check Here
MBA 3 Consumer behaviour 2016Check Here
MBA 3 Corporate taxation 2014Check Here
MBA 3 Corporate taxation 2015Check Here
MBA 3 Corporate taxation 2016Check Here
MBA 3 Decision support system and mis 201Check Here
MBA 3 Decision support system and mis 2014Check Here
MBA 3 Decision support system and mis 2016Check Here
MBA 3 Entreprenurship development and management 2016Check Here
MBA 3 Human resource planning and development 2014Check Here
MBA 3 Human resource planning and development 2015Check Here
MBA 3 Human resource planning and development 2016Check Here
MBA 3 International financial management 2014Check Here
MBA 3 International financial management 2015Check Here
MBA 3 International financial management 2016Check Here
MBA 3 International marketing 2015Check Here
MBA 3 International marketing 2014Check Here
MBA 3 International marketing 2016Check Here
MBA 3 Management of financial services 2014Check Here
MBA 3 Management of financial services 2015Check Here
MBA 3 Management of financial services 2016Check Here
MBA 3 Management of industrial relations 2014Check Here
MBA 3 Management of industrial relations 2015Check Here
MBA 3 Management of industrial relations 2016Check Here
MBA 3 Management of training and development 2014Check Here
MBA 3 Management of training and development 2015Check Here
MBA 3 Management of training And development 2016Check Here
MBA 3 Operation research 2014Check Here
MBA 3 Organisational development and effectiveness 2014Check Here
MBA 3 Organisational development and effectiveness 2015Check Here
MBA 3 Organisational development and effectiveness 2016Check Here
MBA 3 Organization behaviour 2014Check Here
MBA 3 Organizational behaviour 2014Check Here
MBA 3 Research methodology 2014Check Here
MBA 3 Sales and distribution management 2014Check Here
MBA 3 Sales and distribution management 2015Check Here
MBA 3 Sales and distribution management 2016Check Here
MBA 3 security analysis and investment management 2014Check Here
MBA 3 Security analysis and investment management 2015Check Here
MBA 3 security analysis and investment management 2016Check Here
MBA 4 Business legislation 2014Check Here
MBA 4 Business legislation 2015Check Here
MBA 4 Business legislation 2016Check Here
MBA 4 Business policy and strategic managment 2014Check Here
MBA 4 Co operative management 2015Check Here
MBA 4 Corporate evolution and strategic management 2014Check Here
MBA 4 Corporate evolution and strategic management 2016Check Here
MBA 4 Corporate governance 2014Check Here
MBA 4 Corporate governance 2015Check Here
MBA 4 Corporate governance 2016Check Here
MBA 4 Export import procedures documentation and logistics 2014Check Here
MBA 4 Export import procedures documentation and logistics 2015Check Here
MBA 4 Export import procedures documentation and logistics 2016Check Here
MBA 4 Global human resource management 2014Check Here
MBA 4 Global human resource management 2015Check Here
MBA 4 Global human resource management 2016Check Here
MBA 4 International economic organisations and regional 2015Check Here
MBA 4 International economic organisations and regional blocks 2016Check Here
MBA 4 Management information system and design 2014Check Here
MBA 4 Marketing concepts in retail management 2014Check Here
MBA 4 Marketing concepts in retail management 2016Check Here
MBA 4 Retail concepts and practices 2014Check Here
MBA 4 Retail concepts and practices 2015Check Here
MBA 4 Retail concepts and practices 2016Check Here
MBA 4 Retail concepts in marketing 2014Check Here
MBA 4 Retail strategies and operations 2014Check Here
MBA 4 Retail strategies and operations 2015Check Here
MBA 4 Retail strategies and operations 2016Check Here
MBA 4 Rural management 2014Check Here
MBA 4 Rural marketing 2015Check Here

Also Check: DU Previous Year Question Papers   |   Agra University Previous Year Question Papers

2015-2019 Coming Soon

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